Sunday, September 12, 2010


Well yesterday was busy and nice for the pups, there was so many people who wanted to see them and love on them everyone says how cute they are (How could you not think that)! Last night after the last bit of company left I opened a bottle of wine and BOY WAS IT GOOD. I have not had any wine since before the pups where born It's nice to relax now and just injoy the puppies. I like the the wine from the Finger Lakes area (NY) the company is  Hazlitt vineyards I was up that way with Sara and Linda for a dog show and we meet up with Sara's Mum and she had this wine and well that was it I LOVE IT.
 Anyway we have more company coming today and i'll post some picture when I get a chance.
 Have a great Day!

1 comment:

dals for me said...

The pups have been very busy and you have too - you deserve that glass of vino - Grammy :>) Thank you for posting and being so wonderful!