Friday, October 1, 2010


Rain Rain go away don't come back till my pup are gone home OK so I can't sing or rhyme.
the rain is not fun I try to get them out in between showers tomorrow might be a good day for fun outside! 
Buddha belly - Eva and Myrtle I think
Mabel This makes me laugh


Miley said...

Ah Mabel, very cute. Looks like me when I was your age. :)
Hopefully the rain will go away soon. :)

May you have a warm sun, a clear sky and a cold, wet nose... eh, noses.

Cuddles and licks,
Love Miley xxx

dals for me said...

I think the sun will shine on Saturday :>) The pupiscles are growing everyday - wow. Love the pics! Have fun outside today my little spotted friends :>)